Wednesday, July 05, 2006

It is critical

Peace is the symptom of love. There are hundreds of thousands who die daily from malnutrition and other preventable diseases. It is love to try to help them. It is an expression of love to try to help humanity from itself and one another. Do what must be done to aid these people materially for their hearts and spiritually for their souls. I want clicks for them. I want clicks for the rainforest. Is big spending on military and tax cuts edging out possible humanitarian programs? There is only so much money to be sent around. Big debt, big guns, and big cuts are taking up all the economic space. This must be resolved by big love.

We have a duty from the Bible to help those starving at the gate. This is an expression of love that is unmissable if you have the chance. Take it.

Click this to stop world hunger.


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