Sunday, August 06, 2006

The Bible

Noah's ark is in Turkey. The Mother Mary appeared over Paris, France, before millions of witnesses as flowers rained from heaven. Healings at Lourdes are miraculous and unduplicatable by even modern medicine. Near death experiences occur and have been proven to be accurate and actual events.

Then there's existance, life, consciousness. Fantastic.

You are living, real, and conscious. What is so unbelievable about a living, real, conscious God?

The Bible references numerous archaeological sites once thought unreal that were later found. They are lying in the video. I wonder why.

They also do far too much to die the organized church to spirituality itself. Yes, the church has been corrupt. Jesus Christ said it would become corrupt. I am not surprised. All good things come from God. Church corruption is the flaw of mortals and the temptation of demons. Beings made, loved, and given free will by God.

Let us follow in his ways.


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