Thursday, August 17, 2006

God's justice and the apple

Do not place or allow anything to be placed between you and God. God cannot be represented in a figure or act, which is why I believe he said not to have any idols representing God, or other idols or gods.

The power truth and authority emanates from God, and not from a symbol placed between you and God. Be right up next to God. Push your face into God.

You have an apple inside you, however. This apple could come between you and God at any time if you let it. It represents your fear of God's wrath, your past disobedience to God, and anything else you allow it to attach to. It is rotten. It is knowledge of good and evil. If you know yourself to be evil, and know that God is good, you must experience justice. Through Jesus Christ, your confession and abandonment of what is evil. Then you will no longer be evil and God's justice shall be served.

Do what is right and good. Know yourself to be good and know God as well.


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