The Pope and Islam
It seems that the Pope has made an announcement that indicates Islam should refrain from using or espousing violence. I agree that violence and armed conflict have no place in this world.
I wonder, did the Pope cite the dismissal of the Iranian leaders of suicide bombing? I am so pleased that Iranian leaders denounced suicide bombing as a tactic. That makes me hopeful and proud.
I do hope the Pope remembered to mention that event and other positive ones like it in the Islamic world. If he failed to recognize things like that, he is grouping all Islam together into one bundle, when Christianity is not even in one bundle, except under the Lord of Abraham, Isaac, and Joesph, and the Lord's son Jesus Christ.
Before burning the Pope in effigy, consider what that is saying. When you consider such an action, do not cry against Christ or God. Remember that any call for violence is unGodly, and that God is infinitely just and perfect and requires no help from us humans to achieve justice. Merely obedience and love. Let the meekest inherit the earth, and take no revenge.
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